5 Ridiculously Great Conversion Rate Optimization Techniques Your Brand Should Follow

Okay, so you have finally come up with an awesome design and nailed your SEO efforts. Everything is going as per your whim – your site is accessible, you are getting good traffic on your website, your future prospects are finding your website on search engines. But are you getting enough qualified leads? Are they converting into sales?

A persuasive website not only attracts qualified traffic but has a propensity to convert this traffic into paying customers. If truth be told, a compelling website is your best salesperson. You can improve the effectiveness of your website, and boost traffic and sales by simply making some tweaks to your conversion optimization and web design strategy.

If you are looking for some effective and new ideas to increase conversions on your website, check out these ridiculously great conversion optimization techniques and web design elements to get more qualified traffic and conversions for your efforts.

  1. Create Compelling CTAs that Convert

Believe it or not, your call-to-action is the most important factor that can have a great impact on your conversion rate. It is advised to craft your calls-to-action with clarity and conversion in mind, with a well-thought-out design. Incorporating a touch of urgency, such as “Try it free for 30 days” or “Start your free Class Now”, is a great way to prompt the reader into making a decision – which is to convert.

Keeping your CTAs crystal clear, concise and persuasive make it easier for your website audience to quickly absorb the value proposition and encourage them to take the next step. You can use action-oriented and strong verbs that set clear expectations for what your readers can anticipate when they click on the button. To put it in a nutshell, CTAs with a perfect color, button shape, and a compelling copy can boost your website conversions manifold.

  1. Remove all Unnecessary Form Fields

When it comes to creating a lead form, ask yourself if all those superfluous fields such as user’s company name, credit card information, or zip code serve any function for your website. These fields can easily put off users. Remember, fewer fields lead to more conversions. As a marketer, your main focus should be to minimize friction and give users the best possible experience by using as few fields as possible.

Each field on the form should support your main goal of completing the sales funnel. If any of them are useless, eliminate them at once. Ask only information that you absolutely need. A study suggests that reducing the number of fields in your web forms can increase the number of leads and conversions by 160%.

  1. Add Immense Value to Your Offer

Every smart marketer clearly comprehends the true importance of a good value proposition and focuses on offering something that positions their business a head and shoulder above competitions. To boost conversions, you can leverage this value proposition to your advantage and attract more new visitors to your website. The value you offer on your website should be unique and valuable in order to attract and convert more leads. If your website visitors grasp what’s in it for them, they will surely convert into leads and sales.

  1. Focus on Relevant Visuals

Incorporating great visuals can dramatically improve readability and decrease your bounce rate. Therefore, always make sure to keep your visual elements highly relevant and persuasive. Great visuals not only engage your audience but also positively affect the SEO value of your page. In addition, an appealing image can lend clarity to the offer. It is highly advised to steer clear of stock photos and capitalize on real images to build trust.

  1. Add an Exit-Intent Popup

If a whopping number of your website visitors are not converting and leaving without sharing their email address, you should consider implementing exit-intent popups. They are one of the most effective conversion optimization strategies that can drive the desired results. An exit-intent popup that offers a free eBook download, a discount code, or regular blog updates, makes perfect sense.

An exit popup is your last chance to get visitors involved in your brand by making an offer. Make sure that the offer is relevant, unique and provide as much value as possible to prevent people from leaving your website without converting.

Over to You

Successful conversion rate optimization is all about testing and implementing the best web design agency practices to check what works best for your website audience. To convert more visitors into customers, start making tweaks to your website –create strong CTAs, add relevant form fields, offer unique value proposition, leverage highly attractive visual elements, and implement a special exit-intent offer. Implementing these five best conversion rate optimization techniques will surely give your solid results.

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